Sunday 12 February 2023

The Catalyst Fund By Roddenberry Foundation ($2,500–$15,000)

There are no deadlines. Applications are accepted year-round. Anyone from anywhere can apply.

The Catalyst Fund makes grants between $2,500–$15,000 to anyone, anywhere in the world who has an early-stage idea or project that addresses pressing global challenges.
  • Be 18 years of age or older. You should be 18 years old at the time of submitting your application. If you will turn 18 in the estimated window for receiving a response to your application, just wait a little bit longer. We are happy to read your application when you turn 18.
  • Submit an application in English. While we welcome proposals from all over the globe, we ask that you submit your application in English. This gives us the best capability to understand your work and the nuances of your proposal.
  • Include completed responses to all required application questions. Every required question in our application is crucial to helping us understand your plans and ultimate goals. We try not to ask too much or too little, so please answer all the questions with as much detail as possible.
  • Agree to all legal terms and conditions of the Catalyst Fund grant program. First and foremost: your proposal must be for an initiative that is for charitable purposes. Additionally, we ask that you complete a final grant report. We may also ask for additional paperwork as part of the initial due diligence process. We’ve collected all the legal terms and conditions of the Catalyst Fund in this very nifty rules document. Make sure you understand what you are signing up for!
  • Be able to legally receive grant funding. The Catalyst Fund makes grants to many different types of entities, but here are some that we cannot fund: government agencies; lobbying groups; or entities in countries that are prohibited by law, regulation, treaty or administrative act from entering into trade relations with the United States.
  • Innovative: Approaches or strategies that innovate on existing models. What are you building on? What other solutions already exist?
  • Community-based: You have a deep understanding of the communities you work on behalf of, What are their needs? How are they engaged in the process? How will they be able to maintain the solution over time?
  • High potential for impact: A recognized issue that affects a significant percentage of people, this is relative, but we’re looking for solutions to problems that have outsized impact.
  • Sustainable: Experienced team and a smart strategy for driving change. Who and what are driving the change? Why is this the right team? What makes this the right strategic bet right now?
  • The selection process also takes into consideration the following criteria: innovation, potential impact, eco-system, and originality.
For more information and Application click here

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