Wednesday 23 June 2021

Basic Tools Required for Success in Agribusiness

Since we have established the fact that agribusiness is way more than just farming, no matter how small or big it is, once it's scalable and you have the time, passion and will to practice, success is assured. and for which I would recommend some basic tools to aid that success of your agribusiness as an agripreneur at various levels, either start-up or scale-up.

  • Business Plan: This serves as the bedrock of agribusiness, without, one is no less different from a peasant farmer. It serves as a guide for the business and for the success, should be written by professionals. It aids expansion, gives direction for proper management. It also come handy when applying  for loans and grants.
  • Feasibility Study: This in support of the business plan shows how feasible the business is taken a lot of factors into consideration in solving basic environmental problems like what do I produce, where and how, and finally most importantly; to whom do I produce. This is quite essential at start-up, and it comes with analysis and assessment of how practicable the agribusiness is, to yield the expected success.
  • Business Proposal: This is another professionally written document sent to an investor by an agripreneur with the sole purpose of gaining equity, it always advisable to have this written ahead of time and must be of required standard.
  • Pitch: As an agripreneur seeking equity from investors, a perfectly delivered pitch is required, could be verbally or typed as power point document, should be basically a means of an agripreneur selling himself or herself to investors, short and precise with enough details to be able to convince them and gain their interest in your business.
  • Projection Plan: This is the answer to "where do you see your business in the next few years to come". as the business grows, there will definitely be a need for expansion but imagine you having it all planned out from onset and have it all worked out, making use of the farm records and drafting out the agribusiness growth index per year.
  • Marketing Plan: Having product for sale all year round is important and good for agribusiness, and this can only be achieved by drawing out a marketing strategy in tune with production, and setting out all essentials to aid this.
All these basic tool are required for success in agribusiness either for start-up or scale up. Once again agribusiness is more than farming, lay your hand on all these tools whether you are just starting out or you have been in the business and watch your business grow. Goodluck!

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