Saturday, 3 April 2021

Q0001- What Would you do with Some Cash in hand as an Agriculturist?

As an agriculturist, proper management of resources is very paramount having considered the various factors of production applicable and the possibly best layout of production processes. having such funding at hand, what would you like to do with it, Measureit Agriconsult would like to hear about your plan on the comment section and possibly work it out along with you. You're welcome!

Do you always have this question in mind, are you interested in agribusiness, are you interested in production with or without the required knowledge about it, are you thinking about creating some passive income for yourself through agribusiness.

if that's the case, let's go through the processes together (we can call it the first phase).

  • Talk to a consultant and seek experts advises on the agribusiness.
  • Make a market survey and gather necessary information about it.
  • Write a business plan if you have the know how or otherwise ask your consultant to help with it.

In agribusiness, this first phase is very important as the success of the agribusiness depend solely on it. In the phase, having considered all the factors of productions required for the project in view and settled the production problem you're trying to solve as an entrepreneur with keen eye on the cost of production. The point here is to decide on the type of production (crop farming or livestock) to go into considering the amount at hand.

The second phase is to go into production, it's highly advised to start with little quantity depending on the know how of the entrepreneur as this provides learning time and chances along the growth curve of the business and also for him to keep in touch with experts and consultant to create a production network while also creating a customer base for marketing.

With these two phases, the success of the agribusiness is sure and ascertained. Goodluck!

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