Saturday, 7 September 2019


Sustainable development is the organizing principle or system for meeting human economic and societal development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural ecosystems
to provide natural resources continuously without depletion. It is the development that meets the need of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. The two major words deduced from this definition are need and limitation which connotes meeting our need by utilizing the available resources without going beyond the limits so as not to deprive the coming generations in enjoying such benefit.

Sustainable development is all about controlling the management and usage of natural resources in the ecosystem, eradicating the use of harmful, poisonous and diseases causing systems, components and processes, and replacing them with much safer and environmental friendly ones, thereby making the environment productive, safe and liveable to the populace.

Examples of sustainable development are:

Use of solar energy, which is free, renewable, readily available, limitless in supply, environmental friendly and financially effective, which can be harnessed is a productive way with use of solar panel, inverter and other components to supply energy replacing the non-renewable,  pollution causing and non-environmental friendly ones

Use of wind energy, also readily available, free and environmental friendly, which can be harnessed with the use of windmills well-sited to supply energy like solar energy.

Practicing crop rotation by planting different crops successively on the same piece of land to improve soil fertility and help control insect pests and diseases

Efficient water fixtures in efficient practice, installation and usage can go a long way in conserving water.

Conserving green spaces including parks, vegetation, forest and other areas where plants and wildlife are encouraged to thrive. These spaces can be used for outdoor recreation, another advantage of green spaces is that it helps in regulating air quality and controlling the climate by reducing energy consumption by countering warming effect of paved surfaces, recharging ground water supplies and protecting the lakes and streams.


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