Saturday, 7 September 2019


Agriculture as a wide field of knowledge can be classified into these branches or areas of specialization and all work together to aid efficient
and effective production of agricultural products. These branches are:

Animal science: this applied branch of science is concerned with the study of the biology, the business of producing and management of farm animals or livestock species such as cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, horses, dogs, cats, camels and other exotic species of animals, towards producing foods of animal origin such as meat, dairy food and eggs efficiently. It also help in promoting the development of new breeds of animals, formulating and producing better feeds for growth, better reproduction and breeding techniques influenced by consistent research aided by technological advancement.

Veterinary medicine: this is the applied branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals. It provides a better health management, control of pest and parasites and inspection of animals before slaughtering which helps human health by monitoring and controlling zoonotic diseases, food safety, ensuring food supply by keeping animals healthy and long living etc. The scope covers all species of animal, both wild and domesticated.

Soil science: this is the applied branch of science concerned with the study and management of soil, its formation, classification and mapping, physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of the soil. It helps with the maintenance and conservation of these properties such as soil fertility, moisture content, organic matter content by carrying out some basic practices such as moisture content test, capillary action test, living organism content test, organic matter content test which might decisive in keeping the soil in good condition via appropriate fertilizer application, moisture conservation, proper tillage, erosion control etc.

Crop production: this is the branch of agriculture that deals with effective management and growing crops (for use as food, fibre and raw materials for agroallied industries) ensuring better productivity. It helps in the selection, breeding or hybridization, development of better planting materials, correct spacing, optimum plant population and optimum harvest time. This branch has some major sub branches such as; Crop science or agronomy (study of crops) which ensures management of crops and development of improved ones, Crop pathology (study of crop diseases) which ensures healthy plant production and management of plant diseases and Entomology, which ensures the control and management of crop pests.

Agricultural economics and farm management: this is the applied branch of economics and management that is concerned with the application of economic theory, management practices of resources, accounting, record keeping, risk bearing, decision making, planning, budgeting, financing, marketing and advertisement in optimizing the consistent, effective and efficient  production and distribution of agricultural products.

Agricultural engineering and biotechnology: this is the applied branch of engineering that studies mechanised agricultural production, mechanized farm operations, irrigation and drainage, processing and storage by combining the discipline of mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, computer, aerospace engineering principles with a knowledge of agricultural principles according to technological principles in managing, maintenance, development, designing, fabricating and coupling equipment, tools, implements and machineries for agriculture.

Agricultural extension and education: this is the branch the deals with application of scientific research and knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education, teaching and training them how to improve productivity by trans-relating new developments, method, inputs from research in the laboratories, workshop and any other related department to the field. The field of extension encompasses a wider range of communications by take and disseminating information from and to the farmers respectively (from the farmers or any other information sources to the extension officers, then to the research facilities and back to the farmers) and learning activities organized for rural people. Agricultural education provides students for successful careers in agriculture. Through it, students are provided opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and career success. It is a systematic program of instructions available to students desiring to learn about the science, business, technology of plant and animal production and/or about the environmental and natural resources systems.

Forestry and wild life conservation: this is the branch of agriculture that deals with the preservation, utilization and management of the forests, the natural habitat they provide to various wildlife and conservation wildlife using various knowledge such as biodiversity, animal science and natural resources preservation.

Fishery: this is the branch of agriculture that deals with production, harvesting, processing, conservation and management of fishes using various knowledge such as animal science, agricultural engineering etc.

Horticulture: this is the branch of agriculture that deals with the cultivation, production, processing and management of flowers and other ornamental plants (floriculture), fruits and vegetables (plantation and gardening). It includes plant conservation, landscape design, construction, maintenance and restoration, soil management etc. using various knowledge of crop production.

Agricultural statistics: this is the branch of agriculture that principally deals with the collection, interpretation, analysis, processing, management and utilization of statistical data that characterize the current status and development of agriculture and the fulfilment of production plan. Such data provide a better understanding and description of processes, and are used to draw up yearly and long range, proper and efficient plans for agricultural production and experiments

Agricultural Biochemistry: this is the study of both chemistry and biochemistry which are important in agricultural production, the processing of raw products into foods and beverages, and in environmental monitoring and remediation.

Agricultural Microbiology: this is a branch of microbiology dealing with plant-associated microbes and plant and animal diseases. It also deals with the microbiology of soil fertility, such as microbial degradation of organic matter and soil nutrient transformations.


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