Saturday 7 September 2019

Agriculture, The Underdiscovered Goldmine

At present, farming or agriculture is being considered as an ordinary petty profession that is basically meant for stack illiterate villagers.
So, most youth of nowadays are not interested in it by any way whatsoever. They want to be the doctors, lawyers, and engineers of our age, forgetting that not everyone will have the chance to be in those three fore mentioned professions talk more of being successful at all in it. They literally want every other thing asides farming. Whereas, farming is the most notable profession all over the world. Farmers are the most important set of people to be realistic enough.

Farmers produce crops and rear animals which feed millions of people all over the world. Without the underrated and undermined farmers, we will all starve to death, and by death, I mean real death. In the present age, the use of mechanized farming and some adopted scientific method of farming has revolutionarily opened up a lot of opportunities, chances begging to be taken, definitely a call for the upcoming generation to obey and venture fully into agriculture by becoming practicing educated agriculturists by obtaining degrees or/and relevant training or seminars in its various fields. This will widen their horizon, increase productivity, make agriculture better and easier for all.

The importance of agriculture cannot be over-emphasized, through agriculture, we get employment opportunities, a career in agriculture is equally as satisfying, fulfilling and rewarding as other profession and more. through agriculture, we can make much money, we can improve infrastructure, build schools, roads, markets, recreational centers and medical facilities, fix water problems, establish various industries (Agro-allied, mechanical plants etc.) and more towards development of the country as a whole.

Agriculture has for once been the mainstay of the country's economy and with the present state and situation of things, we are moving gradually towards it. I would like to implore the upcoming generation that before they think of any thing else, they should think of agriculture. Agriculture offers the best possible solution to the few that has discovered it while others are waiting for miracles to happen. Think about agriculture today!

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